
The West Desert Amateur Radio Club is a not-for-profit organization operating under the auspices of Tooele County Emergency Management. The club is open to anyone whether a licensed amateur radio operator or not.

The mission of the West Desert Amateur Radio Club is to support Tooele County government entities and residents during any emergency situation and to promote the use and utility of the Amateur Radio Service.

The West Desert Amateur Radio Club holds a monthly meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at the Tooele County Emergency Management Emergency Operations Center at 9 pm Mountain Time. The Emergency Operations Center is located at 15 East 100 South in Tooele, Utah.

In addition, the West Desert Amateur Radio Club holds an “Elmers Night” on the 3rd Wednesday each month at the Emergency Operations Center. Anyone interested in amateur radio, anyone needing assistance with their amateur radio equipment, or working on earning their amateur radio license is welcome to come to “Elmers Night”. In amateur radio, an “Elmer” is someone who is willing to provide help and mentoring in the hobby to anyone else.

The West Desert Amateur Radio Club conducts a weekly communications net on Thursday at 1pm and 8pm on the linked repeater system maintained and supported by the club. The purpose of the net is to provide amateur radio operators the opportunity to test their equipment, improve their communications skills, pass information, and conduct training.

The West Desert Amateur Radio Club has a constitution and bylaws.


The West Desert Amateur Radio Club primarily serves Tooele County in northwestern Utah. There are several other amateur radio clubs in Utah and the surrounding area. Following are links to many of these organizations.

Utah Amateur Radio Club
Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club
Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio Club
Herriman Amateur Radio Club
Morgan Amateur Radio Club
Ogden Amateur Radio Club
Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club
Dixie Amateur Radio Club
Pocatello Amateur Radio Club