April Minutes

West Desert Ametuer Radio Club meeting held April 5, 2023 at the Tooele EOC building at 7:00 p.m.

Conducting the meeting was President Roland Smith.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Roland Smith.

Minutes were read by Secretary Rhona Boutwell. Motion to accept minutes made by Robert Andrews, seconded by Gene May. Minutes accepted by the club.

Treasurer’s report given by Treasurer Kent Thygerson. Motion to accept report made by Robert Andrews, seconded by Gene May. Report accepted by the club.

Blue Peak High School had 10 students pass for their technicians license in March. The school has the launch of their high altitude balloon coming up on May 13, 2023.
April 20, 2023 will be the Great Utah Shake Out. We will be participating by using the Orion App by doing some test assessments.
In July there will be a drill done with TCEM. We will need HAM operators to assist in this drill.
The Wild Horse Race will be re-evaluated to see if it is still able to be conducted.
Stupid Pony Race will be held in the fall. We will need operators to assist in it.
Field Day will be June 24 and 25 2023. We will be at Settlers Park and we need club members to help plan for the event.

Presentation for the evening was given by President Roland Smith. He showed the club how to navigate on Orion and make assessments.

Motion to adjourn was made by Gene May, seconded by Robert Andrews. Club accepted and Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.