Minutes of the November Meeting

Minutes of the West Desert Amateur Radio Club held November 4, 2020 via Zoom

Meeting was called to order b President Robert Andrews at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge was led by Robert Andrews.

Treasurers report was given by Mert Russo. She also has hats and stickers being delivered and will be available on November 5, 2020. Motioned to accept was made by Glenn Murray, seconded by Vince Navidad accepted by the group.

Minutes were given by Rhona Boutwell. Motion to accept by Glenn Murray, seconded by Kacie Stevens and accepted by the club.

Nominations for the Board Report by Tyler Willson.

Nominations include:
President: Glen Murray and Roland Smith
Vice President: Kacie Stevens, Norm Burraston, Tyler Willson, and Blake Hutchison
Secretary: Mert Russo, Norm Burraston, Rhona Boutwell, Vince Navidad, Pam Hogue and Candy Elliot
Treasure: Mert Russo, Tyler Willson, Luke Moses and Rhona Boutwell

Roland Smith’s Information:

Constitution and Bylaws votes was sent out and all changes were accepted.

October 10 Test. The test worked good and there are updates.

Drill for a Weather simulation test is planned but no date yet.

Presentation for the night.
Roland Smith presented some Youtube information.
Family Emergency Communication Plan from KM4ACK
Radio Go Box- 2-meter Ham Radio Go Box

Motion to adjourn made by Glenn Murray, seconded by Blake Hutchison Club accepted

Meeting adjourned at 7:50