Minutes of the January 6, 2021 WDARC Monthly Meeting

West Desert Ametuer Radio Club meeting heldJanuary 6, 2021 via Zoom at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting started with a welcome from President Roland Smith

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mike Stewart
Introduction of the new officers:
President Roland Smith
Vice President is Tyler Willson
Wendover Vice President is Brake Hutchinson
Secretary is Rhona Boutwell
Treasurer is Mert Russo

Treasurer’s report was given by Mert Russo. Motioned to accept by Mike Stewart, Seconded by Robert Andrews. Motion was accepted by the club.
Ray Riding will be doing embroidered shirts again with call sign and club sign for those interested. He is also working on having hats available.
The presidency is working on grants with ARRL. We are looking into ways of getting the youth involved.
We are wanting to change banks. The current institution isn’t working with accessibility of banking times for members of the presidency. Request to change the bank of club account. Motion to approve made by Robert Andrews, seconded by Tyler Willson approved by the club.

Minutes read by Rhona Boutwell. Motion to accept by Mike Stewart and seconded by Robert Andrews. Motion was accepted by the club.

Dennis Tracy gave information about Wreaths Across America.

Roland Smith delivered the report for the severe weather exercise that was conducted on December 30.
Covid 19 vaccines will be available through the county to the club. As a radio club we are considered first responders and able to get the vaccine early for those that want it.

Tyler Willson did a presentation of plans for the upcoming year.
Plans include:
Virtual Boot camp Possibly February/March
SOTA/POTA (summits on the air/parks on the air)
Fox Hunts
Emergency events exercises
Technician classes Feb/March
General classes April/June
ARRL Field Day
Santa on the air event

Motion to adjourn meeting by Tyler Willson seconded by Mike Stewart accepted by the club. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.