February 2023 Minutes

West Desert Ametuer Radio Club was held February 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Class was held in the command center of the EOC.

Conduction was President Roland Smith.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Roland Smith.

Minutes were read by Secretary Rhona Boutwell Motion to accept was made by Robert Andrews, seconded by Dennis Tilton. Report accepted by the club.

Treasurer’s report was given by President Roland Smith.
Motion for payment Domain Name renewal. $17.95 to reimburse Roland Smith for the cost. Motion to reimburse Roland Smith made by Roland Andrews, seconded by Rex Carr and accepted by the club.
Motion to accept the treasurer report was made by Robert Andrews, Seconded by Dennis Tilton Report accepted by the club.

Elmers Night on February 15 will be a Simplex Radio Test

Club presentation was working on ICS 100.

Motion to adjourned made by Robert Andrews, Seconded by Rex Carr. Accepted by the club. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.